Websites Then and Now–Don’t Miss This!

October 16, 2009 at 1:50 pm (Internet surfing, Technology) (, , , , , )

Along with the evolution of Internet and Internet services, the way we make websites has dramatically changed! Where we used to have text, a few colors, and clipart, we now have dynamic graphics, multimedia features, interactive banners, and so much more!

Did you know you can see what websites used to look like? I just discovered this today. Check out the Wayback Machine! How cool is this?

The following pictures were from right around a decade ago. It’s fascinating to see how different they look today! From 1996, here’s 1996

And…! (or should I say Yahoo! .com…) 🙂 1996

Isn’t that precious?! And here’s circa 1998… 1998


And, I know this is only four years ago… but just think about how much this site has changed! 2005

Remember when was just for college students?

Check out more great memories at!

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Attention All Dialup Users!!! Facebook is Now Possible!

September 22, 2009 at 12:11 pm (Dial up) (, , , )

It’s finally available to all Facebook users… Facebook Lite! It’s a basic version of the popular social networking site for people who just need the basics–like me, and have dial-up at home… like me!

My mom was recently coerced into following the masses and getting a facebook account. I remember only a few years ago when facebook was only for college students. So you can imagine the thoughts in my head when old church ladies and friends of my parents who I haven’t talked to in 15 years are requesting me as a friend on facebook! I digress.

Trying to show my mom how facebook works is difficult enough, but throw our dial-up connection into the mix and we’re not getting anywhere. I told her to just give up, I’m sorry, you won’t be able to use it here. The hoards of java necessary to load just one page on facebook is simply ridiculous. There’s even a lag on some broadband Internet services! Why make such a heavy webpage in the first place? Nevertheless, they must be doing something right to be the top website second only to The Great Google.

And now, introducing Facebook Lite. It’s a VERY simple layout compared to Facebook. There is no apps, no silly quizzes, no bulging sidebars of suggestions, sponsors, highlights, etc. The profiles have no apps and addon’s of every imaginable obsession (does anyone else get a headache from all this stuff?!). I suppose those things are fun, when you are 10 and have way too much free time.


Facebook Lite has, in my opinion, all the basics that I would actually care about and none of the overwhelming pile of extras! Every profile has a profile picture with four tabs: wall, info, friends, and photos & video. The toolbar at the top has the “facebook” tab that shows the top stories feed for all your friends. Other tabs are profile, events, inbox, settings. The logout, notifications, and search bar options are all still available. What else do you need? You can add friends, send and check messages, see photos, see people’s latest posts and comments, update your status (you just write on your own wall and it shows up on Facebook as your status), and read notes.

There are two things that I have noticed, however they may already have been fixed as Facebook is still working on their new site. One video I played displayed sideways, but was upright on the regular site. I don’t know how it was posted or what caused this. Also, the kept crashing but would then display when I refreshed. I expect these issues to be resolved soon.

If you have dial-up, or just don’t like how confusing Facebook has become, try! …Now I have to go tell my mom! 🙂

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